Dietary requirements
Evangeliska Folkhögskolan (Efo) If you suffer from severe allergies and have special dietary requirements we ask you to complete this form. In addition we ask you to submit a doctor's statement on your dietary needs. Please save the completed form as a PDF file and send it to our matron Camilla, e-mail In order for the kitchen staff to be able to plan the menu they will need your information at least five days before the autumn term begins. Food prepared in the Efo kitchen is lactose-free. Students and other guests with mild allergies or certain preferences (without a doctor's certificate) may choose from alternatives on offer each day. Usually there are vegetarian dishes as well as a pork-free alternative. NB! The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia issues doctors' certificates in the following cases: If you run risk of anaphylactic shock and have been prescribed emergency medication. In cases of severe allergic reaction and if you have celiac disease. Doctors in the public healthcare sector do not issue certificates in cases of mild allergic reactions to certain foodstuffs or in cases of cultural/religious dietary needs. Lactose intolerance is considered a mild complaint. (Österbottens välfärdsområdes regionala elev- och studerandevårdsplan 2023-2025).
Other food allergies
Kryssa för eller skriv in ALLA livsmedel som orsakar allergier:
Remember to submit a doctor's certificate. Speacial dietary options will be provoded solely for those with a doctor's certificate.
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