How to apply

  • Final day of application is 11 August. We can also admit students later if there are free places.
  • Please fill in the application form online. You can download it and complete it by hand. Please bring it to us in person or send it by mail.
  • The school year 2024–2025 starts on 15 August 2024.
  • In order to be accepted as a student at Efo you have to have a permit of residence.
  • Please get in touch if you have any questions!

+358 (0)10 327 1610 (Vasa Campus, office)
010 327 1601 (headmaster)

Korsholmanpuistikko 2 B
65100 VAASA

Application form – Linje S (Language programme)

Online application

Application form to download

Application form – Linje X (Extended compulsory education programme, tuition in Swedish)

Online application

Application form to download


Dietary requirements

If you suffer from severe allergies and have special dietary requirements we ask you to complete this form.